Skipping viruses: should we treat animals radically differently?

Skipping viruses: should we treat animals radically differently?

23 March 2020
Once again, an animal has been the source of a virus outbreak among humans. If we want to prevent another epidemic, we will have to drastically change how we interact with animals, scientists say.

You could shoot that Chinese bat, the main suspect in the coronavirus outbreak, of course. But that animal is innocent: it was only a carrier of various viruses that look suspiciously like the now infamous coronavirus. The bat itself does not get sick.

Probably another animal, an 'intermediate host', was involved in the virus transmission from animal to human. Suspicions go to the pangolin, a scaly anteater that is killed in China for food and medicine. It may have been traded on a fish and wildlife market in Wuhan city, Hubei province, China.