Millions of frogs are factory farmed in shocking conditions


Millions of frogs are factory farmed in shocking conditions

3 November 2019
Let's give frogs, and all farm animals, a voice. Here's how, according to the The Humane League

Frog legs. A meal eaten so rarely in most areas of the world that many people can’t even imagine where the frogs originate, let alone the conditions they were once in. Unfortunately, that meal likely came from a distant land where frogs suffered immensely.

Before a video about frog farming in China went viral, most people didn’t consider the plight of frogs destined to become a main course.

You’ve probably heard of factory farming. It’s the term which describes the way in which most farm animals are raised in today’s highly mechanised, globalised world.

And it’s called factory farming is because these farms resemble factories more than they do farms.