Investigation on systematic use of antibiotics in farms


Investigation on systematic use of antibiotics in farms

11 March 2019
Essere Animali
Saturday we were also in the episode aired on Rai3 at PresaDiretta where there was talk of antibiotic resistance.

1 million and 85 thousand people saw the "Sick of medicines" service, also carried out with the contribution of our investigative team and Simone Montuschi, the spokesman for Being Animals.

The results of our investigations

Our investigators took the journalist Danilo Procaccianti to an intensive pig farm. They were looking for concrete evidence and found it: a room full of drugs, most of which were antibiotics.

The service also shows exclusive images taken from our investigations.

Operators who administer drugs to pigs of a few days without veterinary evaluation and without any evidence of specific pathologies. Antibiotics mixed with food for animals. Injections performed by unqualified staff to cows on a dairy farm. Carpet drugs to thousands of hens.