Eurogroup for Animals recommends the European Commission to not authorise the use of insects for feed


Eurogroup for Animals recommends the European Commission to not authorise the use of insects for feed

6 April 2021
Eurogroup for Animals have responded to the European Commission’s proposal to allow the use of insect protein and non ruminant-protein in poultry and pig feed.

According to the Commission, the proposal aims at making a better use of the protein and other feed material produced in Europe is part of  the EU’s Farm-to-Fork strategy.

Industrial production systems for insect protein for animal feed are increasingly announced as a solution that does not contribute to deforestation, as it can diminish the use of soy.  

While Eurogroup for Animals welcomes the acknowledgement that the current animal production is at odds with producing food sustainably, we do not believe that authorising insect-derived protein for non-ruminant feed is the way forward to create sustainable food systems.

The authorisation of insect-derived protein for feed runs the risk of maintaining the intensive pig and poultry production in the EU. We must instead facilitate a dietary shift towards more of plant-based food, in line with the Farm-to-Fork strategy.

Read our full feedback to the consultation here.

Feedback from our member organisations:


Four Paws

Dyrenes Beskyttelse

Esseri Animali