Danger in sight for the Canada-EU agreement

Danger in sight for the Canada-EU agreement

23 November 2019
More than two years after its ratification and provisional implementation on the European side, the Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA) does not draw as much attention as the vicissitudes of ratifying the Canada – United States Agreement –Mexico (ACEUM).

However, criticism of the agreement is growing stronger in Europe and there are still significant risks of it being blocked by one or more member countries of the European Union (EU).

The Social Democratic Party of the Netherlands is now opposing the ratification of CETA, which means that there is no longer a majority to support the agreement in the country's Senate.

According to the Council of the EU, if only one country notifies the Council of the Union of its refusal to ratify the agreement, the whole of this agreement will lapse. We are thus faced with a "clear and immediate danger".

CETA represents a "new generation" trade agreement. It does not only relate to trade liberalization and market access, but also to several new issues in trade agreements, such as services, investment, public procurement, notably of federated states and municipalities, the mobility of people, intellectual property, sanitary and phytosanitary measures, culture, electronic commerce, environment, work.