
Founded in 1983, the Intergroup on the Welfare and Conservation of Animals was one of the first of the European Parliament’s Intergroups to be established. For three decades it has provided a cross-party platform for MEPs to discuss and exchange views on animal welfare issues. It was here that topics such as the clubbing of baby seals, the long-distance transport of live animals, the trapping of animals for fur and the confinement of calves in stalls were seriously debated for the first time at a European level.

As well as providing a forum for debate, the Intergroup has been a catalyst for action and an effective driver of animal welfare-related activities in the European Parliament. Its actions include working on reports, resolutions or amendments, formally asking parliamentary questions and sending letters to authorities, and organising internal or public events, in some cases within the framework of its dedicated Working Groups. Many of these actions have resulted in improvements in legislative proposals or triggered the EP’s own-initiative reports.

  • The focal point for animal welfare in the European Parliament 
  • Open to all MEPs eager to debate and promote animal welfare 
  • Monthly gathering of experts, stakeholders and decision-makers 
  • Provides updates and background information on animal-related issues

The Intergroup on the Welfare and Conservation of Animals has five main objectives:

  • To raise new issues of concern
  • To discuss issues currently before the Parliament
  • To promote parliamentary support for certain reports, amendments and resolutions
  • To maintain a dialogue with senior members and officials of the Commission
  • To ensure that each Presidency includes priorities for animal protection