What we do to the wolves, we do to ourselves


What we do to the wolves, we do to ourselves

17 December 2020
Nature is a huge network where everything is connected to everything. Large carnivores like wolves play a very important role in it, which man cannot replace, Francisco Sánchez Molina states.

We live in the midst of an alarming loss of biodiversity. Studies show that during the existence of mankind, an alarming 83% of the world’s mammals have already disappeared.

We have taken over the land with our fields and motorways so efficiently that even wildlife has had to give way. At the same time, we have forgotten how to live with them. We have also forgotten that our whole existence depends on nature and the balance of nature.

Wolves increase biodiversity by keeping prey stocks in check. They, for example, are far ahead of human hunters in picking up sick individuals from the crowd, thus helping to prevent the spread of disease and reduce the risk of epidemics. By reducing the number of ungulates, wolves also reduce the millions in losses to agriculture and forestry.

Some might say we can do without wolves. The same can be said for many other species - or even mountain peaks, old-growth forests and freshwater lakes. The truth is that as you remove individual things from the world, you will soon notice how they helplessly relate to each other and are part of a larger, vulnerable whole. Where do we draw the line?