Webinar: Animal welfare in the EU-Australia trade negotiations and the EU’s role in commercial kangaroo hunting


Webinar: Animal welfare in the EU-Australia trade negotiations and the EU’s role in commercial kangaroo hunting

13 October 2020
On 26 October, in the aftermath of World Kangaroo Day, Eurogroup for Animals will hold, with the support of the Intergroup on the Welfare and Conservation of Animals, a webinar on what’s at stake for animals in the EU-Australia trade negotiations, including the EU’s role in commercial kangaroo hunting.

The first part of the webinar will focus on animal welfare concerns raised by the trade negotiations between both partners. 

Last year, Eurogroup for Animals published its report “Animal Protection in EU-Australia Trade Negotiations” in which we presented our proposals to ensure the future trade agreement does not further harm the animals, and even serves as a platform to make progress for them.  This session will be chaired by MEP Manuela Ripa (Greens/EFA; DE) and will include presentations by Glenys Oogjes (CEO; Animals Australia), Rebecca Picallo Gil (Four Paws Australia) and Stephen Thornton (BG Economics). We also expect interventions from the European Commission and the Mission of Australia to the EU. 

The second part of the webinar will focus on commercial kangaroo hunting in Australia and the serious animal welfare, conservation and public health concerns it raises. It will be chaired by MEP Anja Hazekamp (GUE/NGL; NL), President of the Intergroup on the Welfare and Conservation of Animals. 

This second session will see the launch of Eurogroup for Animals’ new report on the Australia-EU trade in products derived from commercial kangaroo hunting and interventions by Dr Dror Ben-Ami - a biologist specialised in wildlife biology and marsupials; Uncle Max - a representative of Australia’s indgeneous people, and  Hon. Mark Pearson - member of the New South Wales Council. Representatives of the European Commission and of the Mission of Australia to the EU are also expected to intervene in the discussion. 

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