Scientists make breakthrough in the production of ‘slaughter-free steak’ using soy protein as a scaffold to grow tissue


Scientists make breakthrough in the production of ‘slaughter-free steak’ using soy protein as a scaffold to grow tissue

3 April 2020
Researchers from Technion and Aleph Farms in Israel have achieved a breakthrough in the production of cultivated meat.

 As reported in the journal Nature Food, soy protein has been found to be efficient in the use of scaffolds for growing bovine tissue outside of an animal’s body.

The technology was originally developed for medical applications for tissue engineering in humans transplants by Prof. Levenberg, head of the Stem Cell and Tissue Engineering Lab, director of the Technion Center for 3D Bioprinting. This technology has now been successfully applied to the growing of cultured meat on scaffolds made of soy protein. Aleph Farms was the first company to successfully grow slaughter-free steaks, using original technology developed by Prof. Levenberg and her team.