Pangolin gets special protection status in China


Pangolin gets special protection status in China

12 June 2020
The Chinese government has decided that native Chinese pangolins should have a higher protection status, from the second to the first class. This gives them the same level of protection as the giant panda in China.

The corona crisis clearly exposes the risks of wild animal consumption sold on illegal and unregulated markets. Thus, the protection comes at a time when pangolins are coming to the attention of the world, as a result of several studies suggesting that they may have transferred covid-19 from bats to humans. However, the link between the pangolin and the corona crisis has not yet been sufficiently proven, WWF writes.

Pangolins are among the most trafficked mammals in the world, with an estimated 195,000 individuals trafficked in 2019 alone. Tackling the illegal wildlife trade not only protects species, it also helps protect people's wellbeing and lives, 'said Margaret Kinnaird, WWF's Global Wildlife Practice Leader. "As demand for pangolins products continues unabated, the decision of the Chinese government to increase their protection status is an important milestone in tackling illegal wildlife trade. There is also an urgent need for coordinated action worldwide to ensure that high-risk wildlife trade and sales are properly regulated. '