Italy holds a leading role in kangaroo leather imports


Italy holds a leading role in kangaroo leather imports

7 October 2019
More than two million kangaroos are killed every year in some of the most brutal ways. There’s also an astonishing number of collateral victims – joeys dependent on their mothers and wounded animals – left to die slow, agonizing deaths.  

The screening in Milan of ‘Kangaroo – A love-hate story’, organised by LAV, will expose Italy’s leading role in kangaroo leather imports. The material is mostly used in high-level fashion and in the sports and motorcycle industries.  

Following a campaign by GAIA, LAV has undertaken the task of revealing the secret massacre of these wild animals. With more than 44 million kangaroos slaughtered for their meat and leather in the past 18 years, the atrocities have been ten times greater than the well-known seal hunt in Canada. Simone Pavesi, LAV’s advocate for animal-free fashion industry, brought the topic to Italian public attention during the recent ‘Fair Corporate Social Responsibility and Innovation’ conference.

Besides addressing the public, LAV is actively working with the Italian companies involved in the imports of kangaroo leather. Many of these have already been contacted and informed of the origin of the material they use, with the specific request to discontinue this type of production.

Precisely on account of the global reach of the massacre, coupled with strong ethical implications, LAV is cooperating with an international team to put in place actions that will aim to introduce a ban on all kangaroo products import in Italy and Europe.

Read full press release (in Italian).


“Kangaroo – A Love-Hate Story” screening with Q&A
LAV – 8 October, Milan

The post 'Italy holds a leading role in kangaroo leather imports' is modified from an article published by Lega Anti Vivisezione in their original language.