Italy bans fur farming as of January 2022


Italy bans fur farming as of January 2022

21 December 2021
Today marks history: after having adopted a temporary ban linked to the COVID-19 outbreaks in mink farms and the potential impact on pubic health, Italy decided today to ban fur farming for good as of 1 January 2022.

Over 60,000 minks were killed every year in Italy for the "value" of their fur. Thanks to the endless efforts of Italian animal protection organisations and the mobilisation of citizens, from 1st January 2022 this cruelty will never be repeated.

The approved amendment:

  • Fur farming ban (for all species, not only mink), as already established by almost twenty other European countries, from 1st January 2022.
  • Dismantling by 30th June 2022 of the 5 latest farms which in 2020 produced 60,000 mink per year; and, at the same time, confirmation of the breeding ban already in place since last January for the 7,039 breeders still held in these farms.
  • A Decree of the Ministry of Ecological Transition, the Ministry of Agriculture and the Ministry of Health will be issued by 31st January 2022 to regulate eventual change of ownership, sterilization and detention of mink from former fur farms to sanctuaries/shelters preferably managed directly or in collaboration with recognized animal rights associations.
  • State indemnities up to a maximum of 3 millionS euros for the closure and disposal of each farm, as well as 3 million euros in total for their conversion into agrivoltaic the production of clean energy, to be assigned by 31 January 2022.

A special congratulations to our Italian member organisations who have been very busy achieving this historical step during the last months: LAV, Essere Animali Animal Law Italy and Animal Equality

Italy is a more civilized country, we have put an end to a cruel, anachronistic, unjustifiable industry that has no more reason to exist in a civil society where the value of respect for animals, as sentient beings, is always more widespread and rooted
Simonhe Pavesi, Animal Free Fashion Area Manager at LAV