The Italian government wants to extend legitimate defense against wolves and wildlife


The Italian government wants to extend legitimate defense against wolves and wildlife

17 January 2019
A League amendment could extend the concept of self-defense against wild animals.

LNDC launches a petition to ask that this not be done but the protection of the fauna ensured. Rosati: that of the bad wolf is only a fairy tale, reality is another thing.

Since taking office, it must be recognized that the yellow-green government has not shown a particular sensitivity or attention to the animal world and the environment. Six months have passed since Ministers Costa and Bonafede commented on Mia's case - the dog thrown overboard with a stone around her neck in the province of Trapani - announcing that they would work to increase the penalties for crimes against animals but since then nothing has been done yet and the animals continue to die at the hands of sadistic criminals.

On the contrary, the Minister Hundred - Agricultural Policies - has repeatedly intervened against wild animals which he believes represent a "public order problem" to be solved. This could lead to the inclusion in the reform law of self-defense of an amendment that would allow wolves to be shot for personal protection. Yet, for dozens and dozens of years, there have been no attacks by the wolf on humans, so this amendment is highly incomprehensible, if you think in terms of safety. Instead, it is easier to understand if you consider it as a "gift" to hunters and the arms industry, categories that have always been close to the Carroccio.