ESSERE ANIMALI: The dark side of dairy sheep farming in Italy


ESSERE ANIMALI: The dark side of dairy sheep farming in Italy

17 July 2019
Essere Animali
An undercover investigation by our member organisation Essere Animali in the largest Italian intensive dairy sheep farm has exposed some workers treating the animals cruelly.

Ovimilk SRL is a dairy farm in the province of Brescia where 5000 sheep, including lambs and rams, live locked up in cement sheds without access to pasture.

“Our investigator filmed the employees kicking the animals, insulting them and hitting them with iron pipes while moving them around  or during milking. At the slightest resistance, the animals are systematically abused. In one case, a worker rides a ram for several metres,” said Simone Montuschi, spokesperson for Essere Animali. “The inhumane conditions of intensive farming are also added to this violence. The sheep are treated as milk machines, fed with high-yield feed and milked twice a day, for eight months a year. This unnatural production requires young animals, so they are slaughtered at around 5-7 years old, while they could live up to 12.”

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The post 'ESSERE ANIMALI: The dark side of dairy sheep farming in Italy' is modified from an article published by Essere Animali in their original language.