Dutch veterinarians and animal welfare organisations call for emergency action: Don’t buy a flat-faced dog


Dutch veterinarians and animal welfare organisations call for emergency action: Don’t buy a flat-faced dog

5 September 2022
Caring Vets
Flat-faced dog breeds, such as the pug and the French bulldog, have been overbred to such an extent that they face lifelong suffering caused by a myriad of physical and genetic conditions. Many of these animals are chronically short of breath, suffer from eye diseases, inflammation of the skin, and hernias. Often their owners have been ill-informed and are presented with unexpected high bills for medical treatments. Veterinarians and animal welfare organisation warn in the strongest terms: don’t buy a flat-faced dog!

For a number of weeks, in large cities and along highways, posters are being placed with the slogan: A flat-face is a disgrace (platte neus zieke keus) and A flat-face comes at a price (een korte snuit komt met een prijs). The campaign will be posted on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter as well, in order to reach as many people as possible, urging them to not buy these dogs.

Veterinarians still see many disformed animals

Flat-faced dogs are very popular, but in The Netherlands it is prohibited by law to breed these dogs. However, the trade and the import are still legal.

It is fantastic that in The Netherlands there is a law against the breeding of these deformed animals. Unfortunately, in our practice we still see many snoring puppies struggling to breathe as a result of blocked nostrils and flattened noses. These puppies are from abroad or have been illegally bred in The Netherlands.
Veterinarians Janneke Moedt, Caring Vets

A flat-face comes at a price

Owners of flat-faced dogs are often shocked by the immense costs of medical treatments. 

The purchase price of a flat-faced dog is in the range of about 1,500 to 2,500 euros. Often the new owner is unaware of the various operations the dog requires, such as operations on the air ways, treatment of hernias, operation on the eyes, corrections of the nose fold, and so on. The costs can quickly add up to about four times the purchase costs. The biggest price though is paid by the animal – with a lifetime of suffering!
Kelly Kessen, Veterinarian, Dier&Recht

Stop the suffering of these dogs and join the campaign

Veterinarians, animal clinics, grooming salons, dog schools, and other organisations who wish to support the campaign can sign up on the campaign website, and receive an information package for the waiting room, or a door/window poster for a shop or practice.

This campaign is an initiative of animal welfare organisations and veterinarians: the Sophia-VereenigingDier&RechtCaring VetsDierenLot, and the cluster companion animals of the professional association of veterinarians.