COVID-19 could be ‘straw that breaks meat industry’s back’ says new report


COVID-19 could be ‘straw that breaks meat industry’s back’ says new report

8 June 2020
Nearly three-quarters of the world’s largest meat, fish and dairy companies have been graded as a ‘high’ pandemic risk and criticised for their inability to prevent the emergence of new zoonotic diseases in a new report released on Wednesday (3 June).

The report, which was produced by FAIRR, a global investor network supported by institutional investors, aims to offer insights into how the current crisis has impacted the animal protein industry, the vulnerability of the industry to future shocks and the role that the sector plays in creating future pandemic risk.

It concludes that the sector is struggling post-COVID-19, and that the pandemic could be the “straw that breaks the meat industry’s back,” concluding that this “demonstrates that intensive animal production is at serious risk of creating and spreading a future pandemic.”