Cages for laying hens get red light in Slovakia


Cages for laying hens get red light in Slovakia

17 February 2020
Slovak egg producers will switch to litter, aviary and free-range laying hens by 2030.

Following the signing of a memorandum between the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development of the Slovak Republic, the Union of Poultry of Slovakia and the Trade Union of the Slovak Republic, Slovak egg producers will end the use of cages for laying hens by 2030. 

The reason for this change is the increasing social pressure to stop the production of hen eggs from cages, which creates a risk that the stores will disappear in the future Slovak eggs. The aim of signing the memorandum is to maintain the self-sufficiency of Slovakia in egg production and to ensure the availability of quality and safe Slovak eggs for Slovak consumers.

"The self-sufficiency of Slovakia in such an important food as eggs is a strategic interest of the state and CIS. Slovak eggs, which, unlike foreign eggs, are not affected by food scandals, were able to ensure their sufficiency for Slovak consumers, " emphasized Minister of Agriculture Gabriela Matečná during the signing of the Memorandum. All three parties undertake to cooperate in securing Slovak eggs for domestic consumers. The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development of the Slovak Republic will look for sources of financing to support the transition of Slovak poultry farmers from cage to litter, aviary and idle laying hens .