Bolivia develops ventilators without animal tests


Bolivia develops ventilators without animal tests

28 May 2020
Thanks in part to guidance from PETA and Amor por los Animales Bolivia (APLAB), engineers at the Catholic University of Bolivia in La Paz successfully developed a ventilator to treat COVID-19 patients—without it ever being tested on animals.

Working with physicians, Bolivian engineer Fabio Díaz Palacios contacted PETA and APLAB in search of a way to avoid animal tests for the newly developed “mechatronic artificial manual breathing unit” (MAMBU) ventilator project. A PETA scientist quickly located information about advanced simulators that could accurately model the human lung.

The engineers validated their new MAMBU system through tests on a human manikin with artificial lungs. From there, they began clinical studies.

Reportedly, the novel ventilators have so far proved functional and safe in simulation and human trials.

What they’ve done is extraordinary but completely possible for every other nation. PETA declares to stand ready to help researchers around the world find animal-free testing methods that lead to quick, reliable results.