Belgian city's public authorities bans fireworks for the sake of animals

Belgian city's public authorities bans fireworks for the sake of animals

21 March 2019
The city of Mechelen cancels its fireworks on 11 and 21 July because they can be very testing for animals.

 "The welfare of our animals takes precedence over fireworks in Mechelen," said Alderman Koen Anciaux (Open Vld). "We want to limit their fear as much as possible. We are currently analyzing the possibility of setting off low-noise fireworks for New Years Eve. ”

This measure has the effect of freeing up a budget item dedicated to the festivities of July 11 and 21. The Mechelen Festival organizers are currently considering a reallocation of this surplus. Associations which would nevertheless like to fire up fireworks will have to obtain an exemption from the City.