The ban on fur farming in Croatia finally in force


The ban on fur farming in Croatia finally in force

11 January 2017
Prijatelji životinja
On January 1, 2017, the ban on fur farming, which was adopted in the 2006 Animal Protection Act, came into force in Croatia.

This law is the result of a long-lasting, decisive, and persistent struggle of citizens, experts, institutions, and animal protection associations during a long-drawn-out 10-year phase-out period, while the chinchilla farmers fought tooth and nail to bring down the ban.

Animal Friends would like to thank everyone who helped bring about this great victory for animals and people. Let’s keep spreading the awareness that, with all the warm materials available to us, we no longer need fur and the bloody industry that goes with it.

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The post 'The ban on fur farming in Croatia finally in force' is modified from an article published by Animal Friends Croatia in their original language.