400 emaciated, dying, and dead horses in Argentina prompts call for suspension of horsemeat trade


400 emaciated, dying, and dead horses in Argentina prompts call for suspension of horsemeat trade

22 September 2019
Please share this video provided by our partners Tierschutzbund and The Animal Welfare Foundation, which depicts the cruelty inflicted on approximately 400 emaciated, dying, and dead horses observed on a pasture near Buenos Aires.

This pasture is a source of horses used to supply horsemeat to EU-approved slaughterhouses. TSB/AWF and the Eurogroup for Animals sent a letter to the European Commission in Belgium, calling for a suspension of horsemeat imported from Uruguay and Argentina, based on recent incidents that took place in Argentina involving evidence of illegal trade with stolen horses and severe animal cruelty in the supply chain of live horses for slaughter.