EU-Indonesia Trade Negotiations

Trade & Animal Welfare

EU-Indonesia Trade Negotiations

Policy Briefing

From frogs and reptiles to chickens and apes, Indonesia is home to a tremendous amount of biodiversity. Many of these animals suffer from destruction of their natural habitats or from their own exploitation for economic purposes – or both. A lack of attention in an EU-Indonesia free trade agreement could only intensify these problems. The trade negotiations, as well as the structures that such trade agreement can establish, should be used as an opportunity to discuss with Indonesia the enforcement of CITES-related rules to better protect endangered species and the welfare of farmed animals. The EU should be more ambitious
on conservation and not only work on animal welfare when there is a direct threat to its producers. If trade is really about projecting European values, it should ensure that liberalisation not only does not imply more
animals suffering but also promotes a better fate for all living creatures.