Report examines perception of clean and plant-based meat in the USA, China and India


Report examines perception of clean and plant-based meat in the USA, China and India

15 April 2020
A recent report from Frontiers explores the acceptance of clean meat and plant-based meat alternatives in the USA, China and India.

Revealingly, meat-eaters would be more likely to purchase clean meat than vegetarians in all three countries, and as much as 62% of consumers in China and India are interested in plant-based meats.

Clean meat is very or extremely likely to be purchased by 29.8% of respondents in the US compared to 59.3% of Chinese and 48.7% of Indian consumers. Those who are very or extremely likely to purchaseĀ plant-based meatsĀ in the USA is 32.9%, whereas in China it is as high as 62.4% and India slightly more still at 62.8%.