Piglet castration: The suffering behind the production of Jambon de Bayonne


Piglet castration: The suffering behind the production of Jambon de Bayonne

23 October 2019
A new video released by the Welfarm association showing castrated pigs without anesthesia reveals a shocking but banal reality, sometimes in contradiction with European standards.

Unwillingly, pork is our favorite meat: every French person eats 33 kg per year. To satisfy this appetite, 24 million pigs were slaughtered in 2018 in France. Among them, 95% come from intensive farming. There, from their first days of life, the piglets meet suffering. Welfarm thus relays, for the first time in France, images showing how males are castrated.

They were filmed in hidden camera in August by the association of pro-animal activists DxE (Direct Action Everywhere), in a farm located near Bordeaux and providing the PGI (Protected Geographical Indication) Ham of Bayonne. “We see the testicles cut with a scalpel, without anesthesia. The piglets howl in pain. The wound is left open, describes Pauline di Nicolantonio, head of the Stop castration campaign at Welfarm. By broadcasting these images, we denounce Jambon de Bayonne, which made this mutilation compulsory in its specifications. ”