The Netherlands may soon tax animal slaughter


The Netherlands may soon tax animal slaughter

14 November 2019
The Netherlands could soon tax animal slaughter, pushing up the price of meat in the country.

The Dutch Party for the Animals has submitted the initiative, which could see the Netherlands become the first country in the world to effectively tax meat products. The party’s MP Lammert van Raan will develop the initiative into law, says a press release.

As its name suggests, the party stands up for animal rights. It’s also committed to sustainability and fighting the climate crisis.

The party submitted the new initiative with the environment in mind. Van Raan said in a statement, “the Netherlands is the second-largest exporter of agricultural products and is, therefore, dealing with a major nitrogen and climate issue. So, [this is] the perfect place to start.”

Animal agriculture is responsible for a huge number of environmental issues, including high greenhouse gas emissions. In 2018, the United Nations Environment Programme said reducing meat consumption is the world’s most “urgent problem.”